ZeroX Parliament
ZeroX Parliament is the governance institution established within the ZeroX metaverse to facilitate community-led management and deliberation.
Membership & Proposals
Any individual holding the ZEROX token automatically becomes a member of ZeroX Parliament, entitled to propose development motions for public consideration. Token owners can put forth well-articulated ideas on the metaverse's evolution through a simple submission process available to all.
Voting Rights
Each ZEROX token equates to one voting right. Members participate in blind ballots to decide the legitimacy and implementation of proposals tabled before Parliament. Voting is conveniently accessible directly through the metaverse interface or associated web portal.
Governance Mechanism
ZeroX Parliament oversees all high-level affairs and orientations for the metaverse utilizing direct democratic best practices. This encompasses product roadmaps, economic models, partnership selections, yield distributions and modifications to existing governance mechanisms themselves when deemed prudent through community consensus.
All proposal details and voting outcomes are visible on public ledgers for maximum accountability and transparency. The integrity of each governance session is independently audited to ensure proceedings accurately reflect the decentralized will of ZEROX token holders.
Decentralized Mandate
Parliament acts as the voice of our users. Through empowering participation in strategic oversight, we uphold our founding vision of decentralization where this digital universe's inhabitants mutually steward its evolution. ZeroX Parliament is the fulcrum sustaining user-centric progress and innovation within the metaverse in perpetuity.
Last updated